光譜儀OSA-155 WG/OSA-155 /用于DWDM波分設備測試光譜分析儀,另外提供MS9710B、MS9710C、AQ6315A、86142B、86145B、AQ6331、AQ6315A、AQ7410、Q8341等光譜儀。
osa-155 Optical Spectrum Analyzer
pectrum and WDM parameter analysis in range 1450 nm to 1650 nm for applications on DWDM systems
The OSA-155 DWDM System Analyzer is a field-ready optical spectrum analyzer offering measurements of wavelength, power and optical SNR on the different carriers of multiwavelength signals in the range 1500 to 1620 nm with up to 50 GHz/0.4 nm spacing. With a maximum channel power of +15 dBm, up to 32 channels can be measured and displayed in a WDM table list.
More than 32 channels (up to 256) can be measured simultaneously with reduced channel power. In the extended wavelength range 1450 to 1650 nm, measurements of the optical supervisory channels (OSC) are possible. Measured results are presented either as complete spectral analysis graphics or as a WDM table, listing all DWDM carriers with their relevant parameters.